
About Allied Inc.

Allied Inc. is our first pilot incubator. We began operations on January 1st, 2010 out of Lahore. Our objective is to inspire, train and facilitate entrepreneurs – both inside Pakistan and abroad (when they want development teams in Pakistan). Through this process we hope to develop and refine a practical model for encouraging entrepreneurship within […]


Choosing partners

Most people start businesses with partners. Some partner for financial reasons, others because they are old friends. But it’s important to choose the right person. Here are a few lessons learnt on choosing the right partner – Shared values: we all talk about values but few understand what “values” mean exactly. Values are the beliefs […]


Incubator services

Allied Inc. is an incubator based out of Lahore, Pakistan. We currently host 2 companies both working in various segments of the IT outsourcing – Services sector. Following are services we offer: Area Current offering Future Plans Premises Small rented premises in Lahore Outreach programs e.g. in Gilgit and the Northwest Administrative Subsidized physical space […]