Azure Logic App Basics

Welcome to the course Logic app Basics. The First question is it, why you should use logic app? Logic app is extremely simple and has a very powerful work flow which is managed by Microsoft Azure. Through logic app you can create serverless architecture through web designers that freezes you from worrying about Building Hosting, Scaling […]

In Order Message Processing

This module is covering “in order message processing”. Let’s get start it with the summary of this module. First of all, we’re going to take a look at why order delivery might be needed in the first place? Next we’re going to know the rules of Azure service bus in insuring and then we will […]

Functions of Logic App

It’s time to check another new function of the new logic app. “Batching” is handy when you need to go on group massages before processing them. For example, to save transaction costs. You might need a group API cost and send an object as an array. Instead of sending an individual request or in some […]