
Microsoft BizTalk Server

Awareness Blog Integration

The biggest problem with Utility M&As, and How you can fix it

“The way for power and utility companies to thrive & stay competitive is to ensure they’re making growth & capital spending efficiency a priority,” says Regina Mayor. Companies are rethinking the future of their businesses as the centralized model (schedulable, predominantly large, thermal or nuclear plant) is transitioning to a hybrid and distributed model. The […]

Awareness Integration Logic Apps

On next-generation integration, utility companies & CIO as the rainmaker

Idea in brief Most of the integration scenarios require complex setup, design and control. And then there’s this need for purchasing proprietary licenses and affording large integration teams. The new cloud-based and developer-friendly integration platforms have changed the way companies are identifying new business opportunities. “Cloud integration platforms are more programmable, more customizable to handle […]

Biztalk Integration

Choosing an EDI solution

EDI (Electronic data interchange) is a broad term encompassing pretty much anything used to help connect buyers with sellers. Broadly speaking you can break this down into B2B and B2C segments. B2C ones are usually called things like e-commerce, online shops etc. B2B interactions are usually regulated under an industry standard within the EDI umberella. […]