Blog Business Intelligence Evaluation

SSAS Tabular or Multidimensional approach for creating a business intelligence semantic model

Recently a client asked me whether they should use tabular or multidimensional model for creating the BI (business intelligence) semantic model. I choose the tabular route due to the following reasons. Reasons to go the Tabular route If you want to use DAX (based on Excel formulas, but is often seen as having a steep […]

Awareness Big Data Blog

Data Scientists and Justin Trudeau: 5 amazingly common things between the Canadian PM and data scientists 

If you are not as cynical about Big Data as this grumpy cat, you’ll agree that Canada’s new leader  and Prime Minister-designate Justin Trudeau has some things strikingly similar to the data scientists. Here are the 5 things in no particular order. 1. Teaching What comes to your mind when you think of a teacher? A caring, […]