Utilizing MS Azure to Build, Deploy, and Manage The Tracked Data & Delivering Actionable Features

Location: USA

Industry: Financial Services


The client had numerous statistics regarding road accidents of vehicles insured through their company. The company, however, lacked a tangible method to track driver behavior at an individual level. Tracking driver behavior at an individual level had become essential for offering new premium packages.

A significant percentage of automobiles and trailers, insured by the company, reported above-average accident ratio. It drove the company’s average profit margin from these vehicles as low as 2% per annum. To help identify the drivers who would likely exhibit risky driving behavior, thereby resulting in more number of accidents, Allied Consultants analyzed that driver ranking and behavior monitoring was essential to categorize drivers. It would allow the client to offer lower insurance premiums to low-risk drivers and a higher insurance premium to high-risk drivers.

After an initial assessment of the client’s business needs, the technology problem was narrowed down to the need for developing an innovative and real-time driver monitoring system.


After careful evaluation, the client chose Allied Consultants as their technology partner.

The first part of the solution was to select an appropriate device that can be plugged in the vehicle to acquire data, and relay it back to a server. A prefabricated data logging device was selected for this purpose. The second part of the solution was to manipulate/reuse the data stored in the server and provide actionable intelligence on the User Interface at the client’s end. MS Azure was used to build, deploy and manage the tracked data and deliver actionable features to the end client
The main technologies used in developing the solution were cloud computing (Amazon Web Services), 3G & 4G GSM networks, Microsoft .net Framework, Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Windows Services.

Data from the OBD II port, extracted through the data logging device is relayed to the cloud using Smartphone Bluetooth over the GSM network. The data residing in AWS S3 is sent to the dumper using Windows Services. Modeled data was pulled from SQLdb that resulted in data representation on the UI. The data flow from a user’s vehicle is represented below:
Design/architecture of the solution
The primary challenge that Allied Consultant’s developers had to overcome was the parsing of data from the AWS database and conversion of this data into a modeled form. The challenge was overcome by developing code using the Microsoft .net framework.

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